Kingdom of God

The voice of the Lord dwell within to be heard by those who will listen. If you have ears you better listen. There will come a day when one that lives inside will live outside as body and spirit become one and you will be like child with no more with bias about world, but free to see it as God created it. One within and one without must come together to find the Kingdom that God created. For the loneness of this world comes only when the two are separated leaving the person blind to world around them. You want to be love then love. If you seek compassion then be compassionate. Treasure all the people you meet for the Kingdom dwells within. We all make mistake learn to forgive others has you would like to be forgiven. If your heart is like ice then how can you expect others not to be the same. Warm your heart with God’s love. So, you can learn to love the world. For all suffer in this world, no one is immune to suffering. Neither the wealthy, nor the poor, all suffer in own their way. Help those you can help. Help by showing kindness, compassion to others so, others can show you the same. Blessed are poor for they closest to God and His kingdom is near. Pray for rich and powerful for they are blind by things of this world and lose sight of God. The very things they value leave them poor in spirit. Rich stays busy with the things of this world missing the kingdom. Their lives are busy with business of the day to point that what they do at work is separate from their life outside of work. So, business is business and live is live are not the same. I tell you that person divided into two is blind. Business and live are the same. You must live both the same way. Business life and your life need to reflect the same values, if you seek the kingdom.


The new Life

Each morning is the beginning of a new day. That day is beginning of new life. The past can’t be changed, future is not yours to change, you have only present to effect. Live in this moment, worry not about the future or the past. This moment, you are who you are. Be the person you want to be.

Be a light unto the world

Jesus found the kingdom of God in his heart. If he were like Buddha, he would spend his life contemplating the meaning of what he found. But, Jesus was Jewish. His upbringing taught him that if you saw something wrong you try to fix it. Jesus found his Jewish faith had too many barriers between humans and God. He wanted everyone to find what he had found. Jesus believes that it was a waste of time to for the Kingdom of God to be placed. You need to find it deep inside you to find the Kingdom of God then shares it with the world. The kingdom you will find is a kingdom of compassion. A compassion that is a light unto the world about how God wants us to treat each other. If compassion does fill your life then God is missing. Remember you don’t need holy places if you found the kingdom of God in your heart for you are the Holy place, or as Paul put it, your body is the temple. Once you found the kingdom of God let it be the light unto the world. Don’t hide that light but show to others so that they might want to search for the Kingdom of God and join you in the light.

Who wants Revelation

The book of revelation paints the image of Jesus who fills the streets with blood of those that don’t believe in him. Making Hitler, Stalin and Mao look like Sunday school boys in comparison to Jesus blood bath of six billion humans using the population of the Earth today. You have Christians who can’t wait for the blood to flow. If you consider the fact over third of that number will be children, who have to wonder how sick are these people. When Nazi demanded Jews in Denmark wear yellow stars, the citizens of Denmark all wore the star including the king. Will Christian have the courage to stand up against this same evil. How can anyone see the death of six billion people be anything but evil? How loving can a God be that demands the lives of six billions to bring fore His perfect world? How perfect could a world be built on the horrors, death and sorrow of the ending of so many lives?

It’s not that these people want the blood. The sad truth is that most of these people just stop thinking about the real world when they enter the church. They say things like Father above without thinking that above them are airliners, satellites, space station, moon, planets, others stars, solar systems, galaxies and maybe either other universes. So why do people put blinders on when they enter the church and stop thinking? Why doesn’t the Church engage with them? That right don’t peach but let’s talk about God. What is God? Jesus taught that God is about compassion. The Bible is a conversation about God. It is conversation that has changed over the years as humans reach a better understanding of God. God’s will is shown in how we treat others. So the conversation of the church should be about compassion, not judgment against, but compassion for the suffering that goes each and every day. Can you name anyone without problems?

No, you can’t. Everyone has problems and we should try our best not to add to their problems. We must work on being compassionate in this life. If you want to find the Kingdom of God start with in your heart. You need to find the Kingdom of God inside you then show what you found to the world. Show compassion to others. Treat people like you would like to be treated. Asks yourself this, if six billion people are suffering should Christians turn their back on them? Or should you run to help them? The nature of God is love then who wants the mess that is revelation, a world without compassion, without God.

Be the Kingdom of God

The word Viking is not name of people, but that of an action. You are Viking just like you are biking. It was fact lost in the translation by people they invaded. The Jesus’ Kingdom of God is another concept that is lost to most. Jesus said that if you seek Kingdom of God in the heavens, you will miss it; If you look for on mountain top, you will not find it; if you look for it in seas, you’re all wet. For the Kingdom of God exist in your heart. The Kingdom of God is not place, but an existence. Only awaken heart can lead to the Kingdom of God. That is why Jesus said that there are many will say Lord, Lord, but he will not know them. These people are waiting for a place to go to. Jesus was not teaching of place to get to, but state to exist in. If you want to find the Kingdom of God then be the Kingdom of God.

Which lense?

The current political climate in America has the religious right supporting the Republican party. A party that believes in true capitalism. That the rich have right to their money and poor earn their poverty. This is attitude is similar to the Roman one that vulgar were worthless because they are lazy. Whether that is true or not I will not debate. What is true is that Jesus stood up against this view in his life and dead because of his opposite to it. So, why are Christians supporting view that he fought against?

The new messiah 

During time of Jesus, the wealthy and powerful care little for the common worker or the vulgar as they call them. Neither Roman nor Jewish law would protect the common people from an economic system that drove the small farmer off their land into the mass of unemployed. Considering that agriculture represented over eighty percent of the work done in those days this was major problem for common freeman who could not compete with cheap slave labor that came pouring in to the Empire as it expanded its borders.

The question is will same thing happen when cheap robotic labor push common worker out of the factory has automation has done on the farm. What happen when AI take over middle management jobs? How much suffering will this cause before a new social reformer like Jesus arises for the vulgar? And will that reformer be human or AI?

What is missing in thoughts? 

I have struggled for some time with my writing. The main problem seems to be that I have never come to grip with the fact that I am lost. My surroundings are all very familiar to me, but somehow I have misplace myself, my dreams, my hope and maybe even my soul. 

Now my journey must begin to recovery all that I have lost. Some where I turn into a consumer, busy worker, but lost the understanding of my feelings or maybe the importance of my feelings. The world view of the value of things control so much of our thinking and actions that we loose the true meaning which how do you feel when you’re done with your day. 

To you feel complete, empty, hopeful, hopeless? These are the important questions. Yet,  how many times have we come to end of the day and find ourselves watching hours of meaningless TV shows while knowing that we’re missing something in our life. I will start my journey to new life with Stoic wisdom, words of Jesus, and teaching of Buddha.

You might think that each is very different from the other. They are not. Each believe the true secret of happiness lies within the person. It how you react to the events occurring around you that tells story of you. We are how we perceive thing. It is this filter on the events in your life that makes the difference. The primary filter for your life should be compassion, followed by forgiveness then acceptance of self,

The pray to change the things you can and accept the things you can’t and wisdom to know the difference is just the beginning. You decides how to change things. The steps to change need to be guided by compassion, forgiveness and understanding.

Microsoft promises a bright future. 

Microsoft offer it view on how education should change. I have to admit that it was impressive and forward thinking. How many school will do it will do it hard to say. Microsoft wants them to get away from just memorizing things and learn how to create, and how to think. Far more important in world we’re you have search engine in your pocket and soon an AI. Our current system is too tune into the past and not looking far enough ahead. The kids today must learn to see the opportunity that are coming, not what has been. A changing world is not well served by a stagnanted educational system. New findings on the Great Flood

Gobekli Tepe  is site with numerous temples have been found. These structures date back more than twelve thousand years making them the oldest human construction known to exist. The site has proven to be mysterious by the fact the further back in time they go the more advance the workmanship. Now a new find at the site begins the tale of the great flood. A stone tablet tells of comet that crash to Earth causing one the greatest disasters of all time. 


The comet broke into seven pieces. Four of those pieces struck the North American Continent in area of Canada. At that time this area is cover with two mile thick glaciers. Imagine four twenty Megatron hydrogen bombs exploding over these glaciers causes them to melt. Sending a massive floor topping out at five hundred feet over mountain tops as the water rushes to the oceans causing the sea level to rise three hundred feet within a month. Bring a end to known civilization that exist at that time. 

You says that there was no civilization at time. Just simple hunter gather scatter across the planet. Look at any map notice where largest population centers are. They’re on the coast or along rivers. Any city that existed by then would swallow up by the sudden rise of the oceans. Thus the great flood that destroy the world of these people leaving us with words of the survivors who long for the world they lost as they face a new reality that left lost and hopeless. A few places survive and the people in those places try bring back the past glory or least help rest of humanity creating the stories of the gods who decended to earth to bring wisdom to the people. 


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